Choices in Action 1995
[JD singing Love Is The Answer]
Singing "Love Is The Answer"

Choices in Action

Windstar Symposium
Aspen Colorado
August 1995

On the road of experience, Join in the living day
If there's an answer, it's just that it's just that way
And I'm looking for space, and to find out who I am
And I'm looking to know and understand
It's a sweet, sweet dream, sometimes I'm almost there
Sometimes I fly like an Eagle, and sometimes I'm deep in despair
Smiling to someone
Is an environmental action!
[JD at his opening speech]
John at the opening of the Symposium

Some 1600 people from all over the world came together for Choices In Action, where we could listen to speeches of the Windstar founders John Denver and Tom Crum, former WNF-chairman Jay Hair, Dennis 'McCloud' Weaver, singer Kenny Loggins and his wife Julia and Course-In-Miracles expert Jerry Jampolsky and many other fine speakers. The speeches, always coming from personal experiences, gave a lot of inspiration as well as new ideas to work out for yourself.

You've done a lot already.
What more can you do?

One of the speakers who was very impressing, was 15-year old Melissa Poe. Her story started at the age of nine, when she saw a television program about the effect of polussion. When she wrote a letter to president Bush to ask to help her to do something about that, she got a letter back saying she had to be a good kid and not to take any drugs. The letters returned by existing environment organisations told her she could not help in any way. So, she founded her own organisations Kids For A Clean Environment, which has over 200.000 members now!
The symposium was much less an event just around JD than we had expected. Nevertheless, John gave a fabulous concert on Saturday night, where he sung the following songs:
[JD singing Rocky Mountain High]
Singing "Rocky Mountain High"
  • Love Is The Master
  • Catch Another Butterfly
  • Children Of The Universe
  • Let The Mountains Talk
  • Love Is The Answer
  • The Flower That Shattered The Stone
  • Poems, Prayers And Promisses
  • Rocky Mountain High
  • Dedicated to David Brower, John wrote a new song. David had asked John for more than five years to write a song called "Healing time on mother Earth". John told him he would. He read David's book 'Let The Mountains Talk, Let The Rivers Run' and thought, I can use that and he started to write the song.
    Up to 4.30 on the Friday-morning of the symposium, all there was, was Let The Mountains Talk, Let The Rivers Run. Around the other activities during the symposium John was looking if something would come through. Looking at his watch he told us that that process was happening just until .. Melissa's speech, which was not more than an hour before. And for someone who told us he didn't know the words to the song and didn't have a melody, he did a pretty good job. It's a fabulous song.
    Composing a life is an artform

    [JD just wrote a new song]
    Just until .. Melissa's speech

    There is too much to tell about this wonderful event. If you want to know more, you must know that SunFire Productions is selling video's of all speakers of the symposium. They also have John's saturday night concert on video, as well as a video with the sunday morning music (with All This Joy and Falling Leaves). There is also a 'Best Of' video. All videos are available for the PAL-system (Europe) too. Highly recommended!

    SunFire Productions
    Post Office Box 552
    Snowmass, CO 81654
    It's not what happens to you
    It's what you do about it!

    [JD singing All This Joy]
    Singing "All This Joy"
    We'll leave this page with the most touching moment of the symposium. It was the sunday morning. It was John singing All This Joy. John asked, and we all held each other hands thus forming one line of people. It was a standing ovation of many, many minutes. It was 3200 eyes, none of them dry.